Sabudana, also known as tapioca pearls or sago, is a starchy substance derived from the roots of the cassava plant. It is a popular ingredient in Indian cuisine used to make various dishes like sabudana khichdi, vada, kheer, and more. Here are ten amazing sabudana benefits:
1. Provides Energy
Sabudana is a rich source of carbohydrates, which provides a quick burst of energy to the body. The benefits of sabudana include that it is a great food option for people who need instant energy, such as athletes or those who do physically demanding work.
2. Easy to Digest
Sabudana is easy to digest and is, therefore, a good food option for people who have digestive issues or are recovering from an illness.
3. Gluten-free
Sabudana is gluten-free, which makes it a great food option for people who have gluten allergies or are on a gluten-free diet.
4. Helps Regulate Blood Pressure
Sabudana contains potassium, which is known to regulate blood pressure levels in the body.
5. Boosts Bone Health